
Isolation Classes


Sets the isolation property to auto, allowing an element to render as part of the normal flow of the document.

CSS equivalent: isolation: auto;

Example usage:

<div class="isolation-auto">This element is rendered normally.</div>


Sets the isolation property to isolate, isolating an element from the rest of the document's layout and rendering it independently.

CSS equivalent: isolation: isolate;

Example usage:

<div class="isolation-isolate">This element is rendered independently.</div>

The isolation property determines how an element's content is rendered in relation to the rest of the document. Use these classes to control the isolation behavior of elements within your layout.

Line Height Classes


Sets the line-height property to normal, allowing the browser to determine the appropriate line height based on the font and content.

CSS equivalent: line-height: normal;

Example usage:

<div class="line-height-normal">This element has normal line height.</div>

The line-height property controls the spacing between lines of text within an element. Use these classes to apply specific line-height values or reset to the default behavior.

Last updated