Sets the clear property to none
, allowing elements to be positioned adjacent to floated elements on both sides.
CSS equivalent: clear: none;
Example usage:
Sets the clear property to left
, forcing the element to be positioned below any preceding left-floated elements.
CSS equivalent: clear: left;
Example usage:
Sets the clear property to right
, forcing the element to be positioned below any preceding right-floated elements.
CSS equivalent: clear: right;
Example usage:
Sets the clear property to both
, forcing the element to be positioned below any preceding left or right-floated elements.
CSS equivalent: clear: both;
Example usage:
Sets the clear property to inline-start
, forcing the element to be positioned below any preceding left or right-floated elements within an inline formatting context.
CSS equivalent: clear: inline-start;
Example usage:
Sets the clear property to inline-end
, forcing the element to be positioned below any preceding left or right-floated elements within an inline formatting context.
CSS equivalent: clear: inline-end;
Example usage:
The clear property controls the behavior of an element concerning floated elements. Use these classes to control the positioning of elements in relation to floats within your layout.
Last updated