Border Color
The following utility classes control the border color of elements:
Sets the border-color property to the specified color value for all sides of the element.
CSS equivalent: border-color: {color};
Example usage:
Sets the border-top-color property to the specified color value, controlling the top border color of the element.
CSS equivalent: border-top-color: {color};
Example usage:
Sets the border-bottom-color property to the specified color value, controlling the bottom border color of the element.
CSS equivalent: border-bottom-color: {color};
Example usage:
Sets the border-left-color property to the specified color value, controlling the left border color of the element.
CSS equivalent: border-left-color: {color};
Example usage:
Sets the border-right-color property to the specified color value, controlling the right border color of the element.
CSS equivalent: border-right-color: {color};
Example usage:
Sets the border-left-color and border-right-color properties to the specified color value, controlling the horizontal border color of the element.
CSS equivalent: border-left-color: {color}; border-right-color: {color};
Example usage:
Sets the border-top-color and border-bottom-color properties to the specified color value, controlling the vertical border color of the element.
CSS equivalent: border-top-color: {color}; border-bottom-color: {color};
Example usage:
These utility classes allow you to easily control the border color of elements, providing flexibility in styling the borders according to your design requirements.
Last updated